rue Principale, 06620 Valbonne · Gourdon (Alpes-Maritimes), CANNES, France
In the distant past, this isolated rock was used as a place of refuge and defence. Gourdon, as it appears to us today, gives a good example of a Feudal village. It is built on a peak whose impressive slopes will, after many hundreds of rock falls, end their days in the Loup River. There is only one entrance, from which you can access the main street. In former times, it was defended by a simple and harmonious Roman gate, that has been demolished at the beginning of the century.
Les Plus Beaux Villages de France
rue Principale
06620 Valbonne · Gourdon (Alpes-Maritimes),
District: CANNES, France
Tel: +33(0)4 93 09 68 25
GOURDON, rue Principale, 06620 Valbonne · Gourdon (Alpes-Maritimes), District: CANNES, France